An audio clip is posted here for you to write out on staff paper. Please do not use any sound reference like keyboard, guitar or pitch pipe. You may however stop the player as needed.
The key will be given along with time signature and how many measures are expected.
The answer will be posted for this clip on the following week.
2 measure countoff. Key note given in bar two.
Key Of A
8 Measures
4/4 Time
Treble Clef
Good luck!!

An audio clip is posted here for you to write out on staff paper. Please do not use any sound reference like keyboard, guitar or pitch pipe. You may however stop the player as needed.
The key will be given along with time signature and how many measures are expected.
The answer will be posted for this clip on the following week.
2 measure countoff. Key note given in bar two.
Key Of A
8 Measures
4/4 Time
Treble Clef
Good luck!!